The Ambush

Josh .8:9-15

Webster says an ambush is to:  trap, lie in wait to attack by surprise, concealed position.

There have been many people who have suffered a lot of loss from being ambushed. A man in Harlan lost his life by ambushing another man. The man of Ai lost all he had from being ambushed. Satan uses the ambush tactics very often. The Bible tells us that sin lies at the door, literally meaning he wants to ambush you and do damage to you.

Proverbs 1:11 tells us that the wicked wants to ambush the righteous and do harm to him.

America was ambushed in the early 1940's. Early one Sunday morning our men in uniform were relaxing and suddenly they were "ambushed," taken by surprise by the Japanese. Many of our men and women lost their lives because of this attack not to mention the thousands of Japanese that later lost their lives because of this attack.

There are many ambushes set today for the destruction of our way of life.

Our flag has been precious to us down through the years. I was taught never to let it touch the ground. When it is raised I still stand at attention and when it is lowered it should be lowered slowly and with respect.

The thought that our highest court in our land would say you can burn the flag is beyond me.

When you disrespect the flag of America you are showing disrespect to my country.

I believe God has blessed America in a very special way and it is a privilege to live in the U.S.A. There have been more missionaries sent from the land of America than anywhere in the world. The world knows more about Jesus because of the freedom America offers her people.

Many have given their lives trying to come to America. People have stood with tears running down their faces as they were made citizens of our great country.

Don't let ambushes of Satan destroy your hopes and dreams for a great future. Stand up for America, pray for America and thank God for our land where we can worship to the dictates of our heart.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Ps. 33:12). and the people he hath chosen for his own inheritance. I am convinced that America is great today because of the good decent people that make up this country. Not the sin and rebellion that we see in so many places.

Godly men and women can and do make a difference in the way a country goes, and only you and I can decide which way we will go.

Every child needs to be taught to respect God and country. This must begin in the homes and churches. Please don't pass this responsibility to someone else for it may not get done by others. Learn to pray with your children and teach them to love the Bible and its teachings and you will build a wall of defense. As we approach the 4th lets celebrate, have nice cook outs but not forget to take some time to remember to pray for our men and women who are in harms way. And By the way I still say, GOD BLESS THE USA

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August 1987 was a time in my life that I shall never forget due to some very unusual things happening. Our Ky. Baptist Convention was working with the foreign mission board in Kenya for a period of three years. I was privileged to b | Old Testament