To Every Man, His Own

Joshua 12: 17

As you examine the 12th chapter of Joshua, you will find that each man had a duty and each one had a reward.

It appears to me that throughout the Bible things being done correctly and in order have been very important.

Each tribe had their land given to them to possess. It was given to them with boundaries and each knew where the boundary line was . What about today? Are there any boundary lines for Christians? Boundary lines are sometimes described as discipline. I believe every Christian is given a boundary to work in. The Bible is the rule book.

One of the things Christians, especially Baptists, claim is we are free, we are saved by grace and we do as we please. All of this sounds good to a certain extent. There is a boundary line we must not cross when it comes to living our lives for Jesus.

Today we have 3 different views of discipline.

The liberals make place for about everything, the conservatives rule out many truths, and the middle of the road people say you have a right to make up your own mind but please weigh it by the word of God, the Bible.

All moral standards should be weighed by the Bible realizing that the world as "unsaved" people do have a different set of standards. Don't ever say to an immoral person that something is wrong for he will say to you, by whose standards are you saying this is wrong.

We Christians have a moral standard that  is different from the world. Adultery, fornication, stealing, lying, cheating, back biting, gossip, slander and such like are against the Christian moral standards. Galatians 5:17-21.

Christian character is produced by the Holy Spirit, not by self effort.

When you live by Christian morals the result will be love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.

I Cor. 14:40 tells us let all things be done decently and in order.

God has a work for each of us. Have we found his will and purpose for our lives? We can sit around all our lives and never know God's will for us unless we personally seek from Him His will for us.

It may be to be more faithful, it may be to be a leader in our church, it may be to be a faithful witness on our job or where we live.

There is no one that can find the will of God for your life. Yes, we can say if I were you I would do this or that but the bottom line simply is we must be as the Apostle Paul when he met the Lord Jesus in Acts 9:6 and asked, Lord what would you have me do.

God has a job for each of us, but we must pick up our assignment.

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