Where Do We Go From Here?

Josh. 3:1-6

We as a church have come a long way the past 20 years. We have seen growth in the church property, the value of our church has increased by many folds. We have seen improvements in many areas. Our finances have greatly improved. We have seen many make professions of faith and follow in baptism. We have seen our fellowship sweetened by the membership learning to love each other.

Some of you have said I love you for the first time ever. All of the kindness that was shown we greatly appreciate but I must ask, where do we go from here? Israel came to the Jordan, they had never been there before. They did not know how deep nor how cold the Jordan river was. They only knew that by faith they must leave where they were and go to an area they had never been to.

They believed in their leaders and no doubt they had a great deal of respect for the ones that were carrying the Ark. They followed the Ark bearers into and crossed the Jordan. You and I need to look back as we have done, we need to rejoice in that the Lord has blessed us in so many ways but again I must ask, where do we go from here?

I would like to look across the valleys with you and see where we can go to from here. Israel had some fertile land for farms. Cattle and sheep had grazing land and fresh water waiting out there. There were hill sides full of fruit and flowers but Israel had to leave the banks of the Jordan to get to where it was.

I believe God has a lot of blessings waiting for us but we cannot sit here by the banks of the river of life and wait for it to come to us.

We need to  look down the road and by faith see the glory of the Lord.

Let's look 5 years down the road. Many things will happen beyond our control, but many things can be caused to happen by the seeds we plant.

Gal.6:7 tells us as we sow, so shall we reap. I for one want to sow to the Spirit and see the blessings that will come. Let's sow some seed in the study of God's word. One of the greatest needs I know of is for God's people to get acquainted with the word of God.

Let's sow some seed in reaping souls for Christ Jesus. Psalms 126:6 tells us he that goes forth weeping bearing precious seed shall doubtless come again rejoicing bringing in their sheaves.

Let's sow some seed in showing the world there's a joy in serving the Lord. Jesus said we are the salt of the earth. Salt sometimes burns us, sometimes flavors us and salt is also a preserver.

Salt will make you thirsty and friends we need to make the world thirsty for Christ.

I don't know what the next five years will bring us. Jesus may come or he may call for us but until that happens, let's be making plans to win our families and friends to Jesus. The house is repaired now it is time to move on with the work our Lord has called us to do.